San Francisco de Asis church, Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico
Photographer: Edward Kemp
Date: 1920 – 1930?
Negative Number HP.2014.45.15
The St. Francis Women’s Club was instrumental in raising funds to rebuild San Francisco de Asís Church, which had been condemned and demolished in about 1960. Their main fundraiser was the annual Fourth of July ceremonial, featuring dances of Nambé and participating Pueblos. By 1974, the group raised enough money to rebuild the church, and, in the process, helped to renew cultural traditions at Nambé.
Roadside Marker Location: Pueblo of Nambé; Santa Fe County, NM Hwy 4
You can view a county by county list of the Historic Women Mile Markers in this pdf.
You can view a map of the Historic Women Mile Markers at www.nmhistoricwomen.org
March is Women’s History Month. During this month we’ll be highlighting some of the women featured on New Mexico’s Historic Women Roadside Markers. Text provided by our colleagues at New Mexico Historic Preservation Division