Let Us Now Praise Doris Fields

Doris Fields at the opening for "African American Legacy"The new exhibition on the museum’s second floor, New Mexico’s African American Legacy: Visible, Vital, Valuable, has been drawing visitors keen to learn more about how Black families planted their roots in Las Cruces and Albuquerque. At the exhibition’s opening last month, we were particularly honored by Dr. Doris A. Fields, who wrote a poem specifically for the exhibition’s stay at the New Mexico History Museum, through Oct. 9.

She graciously agreed to allow us to reprint it (below) that we might share it with an even larger audience. (Personally, my heart felt an extra thump when she read the line, “Selling goods/not being goods sold.”)

Doris is a performance artist and poet whose work has appeared in publications like the most recent issue of Malpais Review. She holds a doctorate in International Communication Competence,  is an activist and scholar of health care, and teaches a variety of courses at the University of New Mexico, including “Health Issues in Death and Dying” and “Stress Management.” She has conducted workshops for Black women, gifted students and women across cultural differences.

On top of all that, she’s simply one of the warmest people you’ll ever be lucky enough to meet. Her poem has now entered the archives of the Fray Angelico Chavez History Library, and we hope you’ll enjoy it here, as well.


Movers and Journeys in Freedom

Sacred                       -ness

Of        footprints

Impressions   in dust

Rising like phoenix                powder

Free to            drift                  to roam

Settle              where Ever

It pleases

That is the implication of freedom




I see you                     do you             see

You                  see me

Peer    through eyes

Of  dead         soldiers

Heads of wool

Come alive

Dressed         in foreign fare

Traditional skins

Left on mother continent’s shores


Left behind


Iridescence    you see

Threads    a cultural quilt                   into being

Being as how

The vital organs of existence


A shelter of light         -ness



Critical for survival     freedom

Build   churches                    towns



Links to Eatonville




Miners            mine    coal                gold

Silver              turquoise

Defying stereotype


Lawyers          archeologists             pastors

Soldiers          salesmen                   cowboys

In saddle

Ride                            the range


African silhouette in one

Brilliant           orange




Markets                      cannot             dictate

What   determination            mitigates


Retailers                      wholesalers

Selling goods                        not being goods sold

Unquenchable           thirst for knowledge

Drinking freedom like moonshine on a Saturday night


Soak up dried desert bones

Swallow life whole

Breathe          in


To break chains

Explore depths of death-defying souls


Turn earth                   water               seed

Into apples                 pears                          peas

Quench thirst              for        freedom


Resolve that   skills count

More than color

Ingenious        to wash alkali             from soil

Enrich dirt                   with brown sweat

Talk of promise

Teach the soil                        its own potential

Black soil                   black dirt

Fertile as Africa         herself

Cooks             porters            rail workers

Link     with Chinese             to join

West with East                      South to North


Find faith in one another

Hearers of G-d

Finding G-d                inside

Outside           the limiting      expectation


Visible                        Vital                            Valuable

These             are the sounds           of freedom


Doris Fields

05/14/ 2011


7 thoughts on “Let Us Now Praise Doris Fields

  1. I know this lady. She is a beautiful multi talented woman truly worthy of reconition. Her poetry speaks to issues that bring us up to that beautiful place in humanity where we all belong. truely, this is a good day for New Mexico

  2. Dr. Doris A. Fields is an exceptional writer and poetess. When she writes she comes from the heart and goes for the jugular with a sense of historical beauty for remembrance of where we came from, where we are now and where we are headed.

  3. Congratulations Doris! Yes, your are a beautiful and gifted woman to whom we all should learn about. I have had the pleasure to learn from you and I am grateful for. You truly make a difference in this world!

  4. Doris, we have been colleagues, cohorts and friends. And friends shall we remain. it is an honor to know you. Congratulations.

  5. Congratulations, Dr. Fields!!! You’ve done it again. It is awesome that such honor is bestowed upon you. Your willingness to share your acquired knowledge and experiences is an inspiration to me. You make me proud to be your sister. May the Lord continue to bless you.

  6. Dr. Doris (as I affectionally refer to her) is indeed worthy of the recognition. I am still greateful for the the time and expertise she “donated” to a group of young ladies I was mentoring a few
    years ago.

    And yes, she is one of the nicest women I have met since moving to NM.

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